Tips for Parents whose Kids are Going Away to College

Parenting can be rewarding, but in reality, there will be hard and difficult times along the way. Dealing with some of the problems can take a toll on both your child and yourself. Especially during the times of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to learn how to cope with the stress of everyday life and also the emotions and anxiety that you’ll be feeling once your child moves away to college.

Check out these important and helpful tips for parents who are getting ready to send away their kids to college.

  •    Look at scholarship options together

 It will be a good preparation to talk about the financial situations when it comes to college tuition. It can also open up other options that both of you are comfortable in agreeing. You can make them understand that they need to handle their finances better. And discussing this with them years before their college semester can begin will be good preparation for you and your child.

  •   Acceptance of the new parenting role 

There will be this huge transition in your role when your child was in the comfort of your home vs. them moving away. You need to understand that the expectations that you have before might not be the same now. One example is that expectation for returning phone calls and texts and also the frequency of such can change. During this pandemic, it can also give the parents anxiety as we know that our children are nowhere near us, so it’s important to reach out and let them know that they can always call you when in need.

  •    Be understanding and reassuring 
Some parents tend to display their affection by the act of tough love, but when your child goes away to college, it is important to make them feel that you will always be there to talk. Although we can’t deny the fact that some teens are still in the process of “growing up”, there might be an episode of misunderstanding months or days before school will start- it might be the stress that they’re feeling. Just assure them that you understand and will always be there for them. Establish that supportive presence from a distance. 
  • Get Involved
Parents must understand that your child moving away doesn’t necessarily mean that they will embark on their new journey without you. Just because you are not there with them doesn’t mean you can’t get involved. Especially during the pandemic, anxiety can creep in and mental illness can affect just anyone. You may find that they will need you now more than ever. Giving them their personal space is a good thing, but as parents, we should know when to intervene and when to get involved.
  •   Be prepared for any emergencies

When the moving day comes, we wanted to be organized and planned out, but it’s always best to prepare for any unexpected delays. It’s important to have an extra hour or two just to have everything laid out; from your books, personal belongings, college care packages, planners, etc. Those extra few hours can make your moving day a success and also have more time to go through their things.

  •   Wrapping it all up before letting them go
 Almost all parents have mixed emotions about the departure of their child, specifically; it will be difficult and hurtful for them to see their children venturing on their own- without them. So it is advised for parents to talk to other people or parents who also are in the same situation.

           Parents tend to focus their attention on the departure of their children. But your tears as a parent are expected but no matter what tricks you put up in your sleeve, saying goodbye will hurt. Let them know that they have what it takes and they will never be alone. What we can do is give them the support that they need, be it physically, financially, and most especially emotionally.