Important Numbers Every Student Should Have

Whether you're new to school or have been there, how often do you think about situations that can leave you vulnerable or needing help? Maybe you have a roommate or friend that has gone through something traumatic or is having issues and you don't know where to turn? It's hard thinking you will be breaking their confidence, or to take the first step in getting help, but taking care of yourself is one of the first signs of being responsible. 

There are numbers you should always have on hand or somewhere close just in case. Although many people just dial 911, there are times when you need something more central to your needs. Here are a few useful numbers that can truly make a difference.

Emergency – 911

Suicide Prevention Hotline – 1-800-827-7571

Suicide Hotline 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)

National Sexual Assault Hotline – 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

National Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-800-799-SAFE

Drug Abuse National Helpline – 1-800-662-4357

Poison Control 1-800-942-5969

Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention 1-800-931-2237

Alcohol Treatment Referral Hotline (24 hours) 1-800-252-6465

United Way Crisis Helpline 1-800-233-HELP

You should also find out the numbers to these resources on campus: 

Campus Safety, Health Center, Counseling Services, Chapel, Dean of Students,

Local hospital

Always remember, it's never to late to reach out to someone who has your best interest at heart. Doing the right thing is never right (said NO ONE EVER)!!! Even if you're apprehensive, or even scared, you have the courage and will.

And we're right here if you need us. 

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